Thursday, October 21, 2004

No More Curse

Congrats to the Red Sox on a comeback so thrilling even I watched it. (I'm not usually the sporty type.) I'm hoping the Astros will win tonight for two reasons. First, so the Red Sox can get some payback against Roger Clemens. And second, because a Texas vs. Massachusetts series would be the most bizarrely symbolic ever, from a presidential politics standpoint.

Sure, it would be better if the Sox, John Kerry's favorite team, were playing the Rangers, a team President Bush used to own. But they're both in the American League.

Kerry should be rooting hard for the Astros too, because I think a Cardinals win will be bad for his campaign. He's behind in Missouri as it is, and things won't get any better if his team takes on the Cardinals.


At 1:57 AM, Blogger Fake Name said...

Good Cub!

You always manage to put everything in perspective. Didn't think about the World Series/political implications.

I think MO is a write off for Kerry, unless there is a general landslide of the swing states which I have been kinda feeling recently.


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