Trash Digging
This story has been floating around for awhile, and now it's on the Drudge Report. I'm kind of worried that this effort to widely circulate it is part of some broader right-wing conspiracy. (You'll recall that the Swift Boat Veterans got their start on Drudge.)
Here's my concern: Now that Democrats are making an issue of a Republicans' divorce records -- and now that Republicans are making an issue of Democrats making an issue -- it won't look as sleazy if (when) Republicans unleash something from the divorce records of Kerry's first marriage.
The Kerry divorce documents, first discussed (of course) in the National Enquirer, seem to me to be the last remaining source of potential campaign dirt. Republicans have already accused Kerry of murdering helpless Viet Cong and lying about his wounds. The only thing left is to rally the religious right by claiming that Kerry cheated on his first wife.
I'm not saying he did this, by the way -- just that its the kind of allegation that often makes its way into divorce cases, whether or not it's true. It first appeared in the aforementioned Enquirer story.
To some people (and I'm using "some people" as a euphemism for "religious nuts"), being divorced from your wife is worse than being divorced from reality.
Nice divorce joke. It harkens images in my head of Jane Wyman.
Desperate times with this wolf ads. I think a good response would be "Bush Adminstration: Wolves in Sheep's Clothing."
The different wolves that they hid:
The cost and focus of the tax cuts
The justification for war
Drilling in Anwar in "Energy Policy"
There's gotta be more.
Why hasn't this story about the insurgents being funded by the Saudi's huge news? We are seriously the abused spouse in financial servitude to our rich mate.
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