Wednesday, October 13, 2004

W's Last Stand

Will he go out scowling and screaming? Can he win if he does? We're about to find out.

I suspect Bush will mention at some point an argument that surfaced earlier this week as a trial balloon -- the allegation that Kerry and his heiress wife pay a lower tax rate than most middle class families. I hope he does, because then Kerry can fire back by saying that's exactly why the Bush tax policy needs to stop favoring the rich.

9:12: The first thing Bush does is take a pen out of his jacket. Remember when Kerry did just that in the first debate and the Drudge Report accused him of taking out a cheat sheet? Ha ha.

Also, what do you think Bush and Kerry say to each other as they shake hands?

I think things are starting well for Bush. He's smiling a lot -- a lot -- and Kerry has fallen back into his habit of using loooooong sentences.

Bush -- who refers to terrorists as "folks" -- mocks Kerry for saying in an interview that terrorism needs to be reduced to a nuisance. Kerry has a nice response, noting that Bush once said he "doesn't worry" that much about bin Laden. Bush says that's an exaggeration, which is a huge mistake, because he did, in fact, say exactly that. You saw him say it if you saw Fahrenheit 9/11. Sounds like a flip-flop. But will average voters notice?

9:20: Here's a video of Bush saying "I don't know where he (bin Laden) is... I truly am not that concerned about him." So, it sounds like Kerry wasn't exaggerating when he accused Bush of saying he didn't worry much about bin Laden.

9:30: Bush just said Ted Kennedy was the "conservative senator from Massachusetts." But last time he said Kennedy was the most liberal senator in the country. How confusing.

9:36: Bush is lying (see 9:20), but he's doing a great job. He looks much more personable than Kerry. Kerry is doing fine, but he's not exactly inspiring. Bush looks secure and not crazy anymore, which is people like in a leader.

9:40: I really want Kerry to swing it into high gear. Cool and collected works well when Bush is self-destructing, but Bush isn't self-destructing.

9:42: Whoa. Is Kerry getting hustled? Was Bush just pretending to be a stuttering fool in the last two debates? Sorry if I seem startled, but Bush just cited an actual... number. It was in a question about veterans' health care. He almost never uses... numbers.

9:45: Bush's claim that Kerry voted against partial-birth abortion is infuriating. He voted against it because the ban didn't include an exemption in cases where the mother's life was in danger. The bill could have literally forced women to go forward with pregnancies that would kill them.

If Republicans really cared about partial-birth abortion, they would have written a bill a decade ago with an exemption to the ban when the mother's life was at risk. Democrats would have signed on, and countless partial-birth abortions would have been prevented. But Republicans aren't really obsessed with preventing partial-birth abortions. What they're obsessed with is being able to say Democrats favor them.

If Republicans love unborn babies so much, why did they allow so many of them to be partial-birth aborted because they refused to work with Democrats on a ban that would have passed?

9:53: Bush is giving a reasonable and humane answer on immigration. That'll cost him the white supremacist vote.

9:57: Also, that immigration answer contained a semi-truth: Bush said he opposed amnesty. Maybe he doesn't favor it now, but he flirted with it before Sept. 11. Take it from the conservative Washington Times:
Before the September 11 attacks, the administration had begun talks with Mexican President Vicente Fox about ways to legalize more than 3 million undocumented Mexicans living in the United States. The dialogue ended after the attacks.

10:05: Good point, Kerry! Why are National Guardsmen defending Iraq instead of defending the United States from another domestic terror attack? Aren't they called the National Guard for a reason?

Uh-oh: Bush uses an anecdote about proud soldiers. Approval ratings climb. Anecdotes connect with people, unlike those scary numbers. That's probably why he doesn't mess with them too often.

10:09: The president says the best way to protect people from guns is to punish people who use them. Uh, no. That doesn't sound too proactive. That means someone has to get shot before you do anything.

At first I was mad that Kerry didn't point out that Bush was getting behind the problem instead of getting in front of it. But then he hit the guns question out of the park with an answer that mentioned 1. He is a hunter 2. He has been hunting in the swing state of Iowa 3. The sheriff he was hunting with pointed out a house where a drug runner kept an AK-47 4. Osama bin Laden hopes to take advantage of the easy access to assault weapons in America.

Very nice answer.

10:16: Bush's answer about religion is masterful. He says he prays often, and that it's private (even though he's talking about it now -- hey, they asked.) His comment that you're "equally an American" whether you're a Christian, Jew, Muslim or atheist covers every possible base.

Kerry's comment that he "measures" the words of the Bible makes him sound kind of like a Biblical scholar, which I guess might impress people in our very religious country. Or just make him sound weird. His comment about "Native Americans who gave me a blessing the other day" was a pretty heavy-handed aside.

10:19: Kerry is such a pro. While praising Bush for his leadership after Sept. 11, he mentions that Bush and Tom Daschle shared a very "genuine" hug. This is of course the same hug that Daschle is being accused of exploiting in his very close re-election bid. Now that's how you make an offhanded comment.

10:30: Both have excellent, personable answers to the softball question about the influence of strong women in their lives. Bush finally makes a successful joke about his scowling, and has a sweet story about falling in love at first sight with Laura. Kerry has a great answer too, saying he and the others "married up." And his memory of his mother on her death bed saying "integrity, integrity, integrity" is pretty powerful.

All in all, Bush wins. Expectations were so low from the previous debates, I think he'll get a lot of points just for looking solid. Bush had a lot of answers that sounded good, even though (as detailed above) some of them weren't true.

As for the long term, Kerry may have helped himself a lot by looking human, at least as he warmed up. I also think Democrats got another killer attack ad out of Bush's stupid, false answer when he denied ever saying he wasn't worried about bin Laden. Here's that video again.


At 9:03 PM, Blogger Fake Name said...

I predict that Kerry reveals that he's Bush's father at the end.

At 9:03 PM, Blogger J said...

Alright, you rich assholes...let's see your best everyman impression. Hi Laser Cub. I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts. Ooh...they're smiling...

At 9:07 PM, Blogger Fake Name said...

Terror is bad.

At 9:09 PM, Blogger gary tijuana said...

Wait I thought this was focusing on domestic issues. Terrorism? Bin Laden?
Oh ok flu season is here. The president is blaming England.

At 9:11 PM, Blogger J said...

Bush Proposes Solution: Get Sick, Healthy Fuckers!

At 9:17 PM, Blogger J said...

To back up about five/ten minutes, interesting that Kerry stated that we would "kill" terrorists.

Also, are they wearing the exact same tie?

Also...does it seem to anyone else like Bush is on verge of tears everytime he has to talk?

At 9:21 PM, Blogger gary tijuana said...

I like when Kerry talks in terms that I can relate to: I know Law & Order, and be assured i KNOW Tony Soprano.

I also like how he's chuckling to himself whenever Bush talks. I wonder if he's thinking about meeting Hanson backstage.

At 9:22 PM, Blogger laser cub said...

blogger is moving at a fucking crawl. taking a very long time to post anything.

At 9:22 PM, Blogger Fake Name said...

He always says that kill line. It's his way of saying Bush isn't doing anything special.

At 9:25 PM, Blogger J said...

Bush is really coming off like the Will Ferrell impression of Bush.

Interesting that Bush talks to the moderator and Kerry talks to the camera.

"Litany" and "rhetoric" seems to be hot terms for W.

At 9:28 PM, Blogger gary tijuana said...

So far this seems to be Bush's best performance, but its still early. I am not forgetting the meltdown he had in debate #2.

At 9:31 PM, Blogger laser cub said...

Bush was smart to say he doesn't know if homosexuality is a choice. Because of course if it isn't, that means God made people gay and that being gay must be okay.

Also smart of Kerry to neutralize the gay marriage issue by noting that he and Bush are equally intolerant of gay marriage.

I agree this is Bush's best outing. (I don't mean that in a gay sense.)

At 9:31 PM, Blogger J said...

Jesus...was Kerry mentioning Cheney's daughter a way to simultaneously draw attention to a black spot on the W/C ticket while also seeming to be the compassionate, gay-loving candidate? that seemed diiiirrty to me.

At 9:36 PM, Blogger Fake Name said...

Bush's best outing?

Are you guys watching the debate?

At 9:39 PM, Blogger J said...

That's what i was thinking, Pete! But I missed the first he must have been really fucked in those. Nice work already digging up that video lc.

At 9:39 PM, Blogger gary tijuana said...

While watching the debate, yes, I do have to admit that after two really uncomfortable performances, I'm finding myself slipping into a focus more on composure and presentation and not enough on the actual meat of the debate. And in that regard, yes, I think Bush's best performance is tonight. I promise to pay undivided attention from here out now.

At 9:40 PM, Blogger laser cub said...

my technical problem appears to be fixed.

At 9:41 PM, Blogger Fake Name said...

This health care answer is so great.

Bush's humor comes from the land of the uncomfortable chuckle.

At 9:42 PM, Blogger laser cub said...

haha. what did bush just say about news organizations, kind of under his breath? not to trust 'em? i think lots of voters will appreciate and agree.

At 9:45 PM, Blogger J said...

Does it seem to anyone else like Bush is shrinking? Everytime he starts to talk I close my eyes and hope he doesn't try another joke.

At 9:46 PM, Blogger Fake Name said...

Kerry is trancendental meditating as Bush speaks.

Bush is remembering what he memorized as Kerry speaks. And possibly laughing about old Underdog cartoons.

OOOh, Bush is getting mad!

At 9:49 PM, Blogger Fake Name said...

That tax cut could save Social Security line is fantastic.

At 9:56 PM, Blogger J said...

Bush says that if, using his Temporary Worker Card, there will be less stress on the border if people are coming over with cards, and the Border Patrol will be able to better focus on doing their job. are illegal aliens trying to come into the states causing the Border Patrol to not do their jobs.

Great move on the part of Kerry to go back to the Tax issue. I think it subtly says "I'm more concerned with the money in middle-america's pocket than with immigration" - which I think is a good move.

At 9:59 PM, Blogger J said...

"I'm tired of politicians who talk about family values, but don't value families." - if I was a swing-voter, he might have swayed me with that one. His writer should get a cookie.

At 9:59 PM, Blogger laser cub said...

that was nice

At 10:00 PM, Blogger gary tijuana said...

"4000 People a day."

I don't know for sure if the borders are or aren't more secure than pre-Sept11 (although its odd to hear Bush say Texas is more secure now than it was when he was the governor there). But I do like the way that Kerry can drop a stinkbomb right on his opponent when they try to dispel a claim of his.

Reminds me of the Frontline segment I saw last night where a young Kerry was debating on TV with another Vietnam vet. They were talking about war crimes. The opponent asks Kerry where he gets his definition from, and J.K. responds "The Geneva Convention, you have heard of it right?"

At 10:00 PM, Blogger Fake Name said...

Leave No Child Behind

wins the Orwell award for fucking you both ways award for the 21st century.

At 10:03 PM, Blogger Fake Name said...

You be the judge line got applause here.

At 10:04 PM, Blogger laser cub said...

I like the joke about Bush thinking of Underdog cartoons. But I think he's a bigger fan of Overdog.

At 10:04 PM, Blogger fauxbrizio said...

up in your shit, fuckers!

At 10:05 PM, Blogger Fake Name said...

Joke point of order: I was suggesting he looks at Kerry and sees Underdog.

At 10:07 PM, Blogger J said...

i like that kerry keeps hammering home the 89 billion dollars in tax cuts went to the top 1% of americans last year.

bush is talking in his subdued sincere tone again. that means he "feels" this

At 10:07 PM, Blogger gary tijuana said...

I think that point Kerry just layed out on GW about lightening the load primarily by creating alliances and then focusing on the key issue was a very solid point.

At 10:07 PM, Blogger fauxbrizio said...

bush has a real boner for the "global test" stuff. its a great talking point but he's twisted the fuck out of the sentiment. classic bush.

At 10:12 PM, Blogger Fake Name said...

At the end of that assault weapons question, which was Kerry's best of the night, Bush looked like he was thinking, "Oh, that's how we could have done it." He also looked like a fucking evil jack o latern. How is this shit close??????

At 10:14 PM, Blogger gary tijuana said...

Looking forward to Bush's response to not having met with the NAACP. That's a sticky situation for certain.

At 10:15 PM, Blogger laser cub said...

did kerry 'accidentally' call it rove vs. wade? that would be a nice comeback for bush calling him 'senator kennedy' in the last debate.

At 10:17 PM, Blogger fauxbrizio said...

how do i know folks are praying for me? i can just feel it.

At 10:20 PM, Blogger J said...

9/11 question...

Bush's boner just lifted his podium up six inches. Well, maybe five.

At 10:23 PM, Blogger Fake Name said...

Kerry's 911 answer is a beautiful argument on 2 minutes why he should be president. That should be his commercial.

Bush's comment on 2000 election proves that he started the divisiveness.

At 10:24 PM, Blogger gary tijuana said...

Bush has a history of working with both parties in Texas, and was surprised to see how partisan DC is? Didn't he nominate an almost entirely Republican supporting cast, minus a few not so influential posts that ended up quitting anyways?

At 10:26 PM, Blogger fauxbrizio said...

hahaha i thought kerry was gonna bomb when i saw him brewing his little joke. then he finally dealt the punckline ... BOO YAH!!! money shot.

At 10:27 PM, Blogger fauxbrizio said...

the joke about marrying up, i mean.

At 10:31 PM, Blogger Fake Name said...

Bush's closing was a classic abusive husband comes home speech.

At 10:36 PM, Blogger fauxbrizio said...

i'd say kerry won this, especially by injecting some humor and personality at the end. but more or less the whole thing was a dull mess awash in language that regular "folks" don't wanna listen to.

At 10:37 PM, Blogger J said...

Bush's sincere voice makes me want to fucking off myself. YOU ARE ACTING RIGHT NOW.

Neither closer moved me.

I don't think anyone will be really swayed by this.

At 10:38 PM, Blogger Fake Name said...

This debate is great for Kerry.

Made huge points with the Black Community.

At 10:38 PM, Blogger laser cub said...

sm --

"money" shot indeed, my good man!

At 10:41 PM, Blogger gary tijuana said...

This was my least favorite of the four debates. Like Lasercub said, its suspicious (unfortunate) that Bush saved his best performance for last. I still maintain that he did best in this one.

At 10:54 PM, Blogger gary tijuana said...

NBC, right after the debates, showed some fact checking results. They broadcast Bush saying he isn't concerned about Bin Laden.

They also said that Bush has indeed met with the black caucus in the White House. I personally don't think this speaks as loudly as a national broadcast of Bush proclaiming that he's not concerned about Osama.

At 12:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

a couple of notes from dubb:
-you are all nerds, incredibly huge nreds
-laser, your timing flip flops from eastern to western standard in the midst of your fervor
- smilerzzzz fom coloRADo


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