Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Admit It

It's time for both sides, Democrats and Republicans, to be honest enough to accept a few rules about our world.

First, Iraq is going to be a huge mess no matter who gets elected. A large percentage of the country hates us, and wants us to leave. It's going to be a long slog whether we're trying to kill those people or change their minds.

Second, many American jobs are going to be outsourced no matter what we do. Corporations are driven by profit, not charity. If Indians will gratefully do a job as well as Americans for one-fifth the money (or less), there is no chance American companies are going to keep the jobs here.

Third, if terrorists want to attack us, they'll manage to do it. It's horrible, but it's true. It's great that there hasn't been a terror attack since 9/11, but that isn't because they're afraid of us. It's because they're regrouping.

The sooner we stop debating these pointless, inarguable realities, the sooner we can start debating issues that one party or the other might actually be able to do something about.


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