Thursday, October 28, 2004


Yay Red Sox. The first half of my prediction -- Sox and Kerry win -- has come true. But the Sox were the easy part. For the Kerry prediction to also come true, he'll have to not say the kind of things he said in an interview with SportsCenter that will be broadcast on election eve.

Apparently Kerry shot off his mouth about how he doesn't think Pete Rose should be in the Baseball Hall of Fame. This is crazy for two reasons. First, there's nothing wrong with betting that your own team is going to win. That's called confidence. Second, the Cincinnati Reds are located in Ohio, which you may have heard is a huge and important swing state. And Cincinnati loves Pete Rose.

Kerry, stick to criticizing Bush for not putting enough troops on the ground when he went ahead with his stupid plan to attack Iraq. Remind everyone that the troops in Iraq aren't to blame for the missing explosives. It's the troops that weren't on the ground that were the problem -- and Bush didn't send them to Iraq because it wasn't politically prudent to do so. He didn't want people to think we were launching the kind of full-blown nation-building expedition we're trapped in now.

And yes, I do think it's cowardly for Bush and Kerry to give their last high-profile interviews of the campaign to SportsCenter instead of a real news show like Oprah.


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