Thursday, September 30, 2004


Kerry needs to lay off all the talk of "summits." He's mentioned them as much as Al Gore mentioned the "lock box."

Bush needs to stop denying that Great Britain is our only major ally in Iraq by pointing out that we also have Poland. I don't think anyone watching at home considers Poland a major military power.

Bush is also doing a good job of arguing that Kerry can't get other countries to join us in Iraq after insisting that we're making a mistake by being there. The only problem with that argument is that most other countries already think we're making a mistake there. So Kerry's chances of persuading them to help us are, at worst, only as good as Bush's.

Finally, I love Kerry's strategy of nodding vigorously whenever Bush makes a good point. It's a great lawyer trick. He's negating the impact of Bush's words by agreeing with them immediately.


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