Sunday, November 28, 2004

Ok, Sure

Why not come back? People like lighthearted political commentary, right? The thing is, I'm not feeling that lighthearted. The whole breakdown of red and blue states and the mutual resentments and the sweeping generalizations by each side against the other are really getting me down.

Yes, I agree that the red states tend to have less education, worse treatment for minorities, and a desire to unify church and state that hurts both. But the blue states aren't that much better, and they're awfully cocky about their slight superiority. Their condescension turns off the red states as much as illiteracy turns of the blue states.

So what's a cub to do? Choose sides? Look for some vague middle ground? Leave? This is the most beautiful country there is, and as long as there's a single cave with cable TV and DSL, I'm staying put.

I think the best thing to do is try to break down the traditional alliances that make our country so slow to progress by getting people on both sides to think of themselves as individuals instead of partisans. Democrats can complain about that, but the current partisan split isn't in their favor as it is. Republicans can gripe too, but fuck Republicans. (Ha ha. Just a sample of the partisan rhetoric I'm eshewing.)

Anyway, I'm going to try to talk about ideas instead of parties. I know, this is probably a mistake, but let's try it for a few days.


At 1:26 PM, Blogger Jenne said...

Here are some of my post-election ideas. To start. Dear America, Part I and Part II, replete with commentary from others.

At 11:24 PM, Blogger Jo Cool said...

Well said, laser cub. Ideas are what makes this nation great and should be what our political discourse focuses on. Most people (other than those blinded by their partisanship) acknowledge that the country is not so much red/blue as it is varying shades of purple. So let's get the discussion started; after all, Election '08 will be a whole different ball game.

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